Vita Keratin Treatment
Vita Keratin Treatment
Vita Keratin Treatment Salon Daily Deep Repair that combines the power of keratin and vitamins with salon technology. That revitalizes damaged hair from biting, perming, straightening, and dyeing, returning it to beautiful, healthy hair with obvious results formula combined with keratin. Helps answer the problem of dry and damaged hair from hair coloring, biting, perming, straightening, and dyeing mixed with Vitamin E to nourish hair to be strong. Soft, smooth, sparkling Look healthier with Argan Oil that helps deeply nourish dry and damaged hair Beautiful, quality hair like going to a salon every day. Tested on a strand of hair in the laboratory. After washing your hair, apply the treatment all over the hair and gently massage. Leave it for 1 minute and then rinse for better results. It is recommended to use it regularly to keep your hair as beautiful as going to the salon every day.
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